Our custom bouquet's are a hand-crafted masterpiece made with freshly cut flowers grown exclusively on our farm in Upper Sackville. Wrapped in Kraft paper and hand tied, this bouquet is the perfect for all occassions.
Our designer's choice selection means that you will receive a unique bouquet featuring in-season flowers, ensuring that your bouquet is always fresh and vibrant. Bouquets can be picked up at our farm or delivered to your doorstep for an additional charge.
By choosing our locally grown flowers, you are making a positive impact on the environment by reducing the demand for imported flowers. Our flowers are grown without the use of any chemicals or pesticides, making them a great option for those who prioritize their health and the environment.
Choose from 3 sizes,
-Petite, small market/grocery store sized bouquet perfect for gifting to your hosts at the next party you are attending or for letting a friend know that you are thinking of them
-Standard, our most popular size! This bouquet size will fill out an average sized vase well, or fill the arms of the recipient when taking graduation photos.
-Masterpiece, our largest bouquet offering which will WOW you! Perfect for birthday gifts, celebrations and apologies ;)
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PriceFrom C$25.00
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